California Green Building Code (CALGreen) – On-site renewable energy

To promote the installation and use of on-site renewable energy production that partially balances the energy consumption of a building.

CALGreen Code Section A5.211.1: On-site renewable energy.

Use on-site renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, low-impact hydro, biomass and bio-gas for at least 1 percent of the electric power calculated as the product of the building service voltage and the amperage specified by the electrical service overcurrent protection device rating or 1kW, (whichever is greater), in addition to the electrical demand required to meet 1 percent of the natural gas and propane use. The building project’s electrical service overcurrent protection device rating shall be calculated in accordance with the California Electrical Code. Natural gas or propane use is calculated in accordance with the California Plumbing Code.

CALGreen Code Section A5.211.1.1: Documentation.

Using a calculation method approved by the California Energy Commission, calculate the renewable on-site energy system to meet the requirements of Section A5.211.1, expressed in kW. Factor in net-metering, if offered by local utility, on an annual basis.


The intent of this measure is to encourage the installation and use of on-site renewable energy generation that offsets a portion of a building’s energy use.

Compliance Method:

Specify and install an on-site renewable energy system with an expected annual energy generation equal to or greater than the calculated requirements. Include system sizing calculations in the construction documents. The output of the on-site renewable energy system shall be metered with either a stand-alone performance meter or inverter-integrated meter for measurement of the system’s performance.


Plan intake: The plan reviewer should confirm that an on-site renewable energy system is specified in the construction documents and review the system sizing calculations.

On-site enforcement: The inspector should verify that an on-site renewable energy system, sized as specified in the construction documents, is installed. To the extent possible, he or she should confirm that the on-site renewable energy system is functional and producing the expected amount of energy.

(Excerpted from ‘Guide to the 2022 California Green Building Standards Code Nonresidential’ – Appendix A5)

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