California Green Building Code (CALGreen)- Regional materials

The purpose of the measure is to save energy in relation to the transportation of construction materials over long distances to the construction site.

CALGreen Code Section A5.405.1: Regional materials. 

Compared to other products in a given product category, select building materials or products for permanent installation on the project that have been harvested or manufactured in California, or within 500 miles of the project site.

1. For those materials locally manufactured, select materials manufactured using low embodied energy, or those that will result in net energy savings over their useful life.

2. Regional materials shall make up at least 10 percent, based on cost, of total materials value.

3. If regional materials make up only part of a product, their values are calculated as percentages based on weight.

4. Provide documentation of the origin, net projected energy savings, and value of regional materials.


The intent of this measure is to conserve energy associated with the transportation of building materials over long distances to the job site.

Compliance Method:

Identify available sources of material products and choose the most sustainable and cost effective source within 500 miles of the project site or within California. Identify in the construction documents those materials intended to be obtained locally. Keep receipts and records of material supply sources to present to the enforcing agency for verification. Ensure that at least 10 percent of the project total of building materials, based on cost, are to be from a source within 500 miles of the project site, or from within California.


Plan intake: The plan reviewer should confirm in the construction documents building products that are locally available, and the estimation of those materials’ cost to the project.

On-site enforcement: Using receipts and records supplied by the building contractor, the inspector should verify that at least 10 percent of the project’s total materials cost value has been acquired from source within 500 miles of the project site or from within California.

(Excerpted from ‘Guide to the 2022 California Green Building Standards Code Nonresidential’ – Appendix A5)

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